Sunday, November 18, 2007

Being Thankful......

For what I have rather than what I don't have. I got up this morning and felt a little sense of peace today. I don't know if it is because Thanksgiving is this week, but I am grateful to feel this way even if it is only for today. I can't even put into words how wonderful my life actually is. I know I don't have a job right now (the prospects are Very Good) and we don't have a baby yet, but there are so many other things to be happy about.

Our house will be done in just over 2 months! This has been an exciting week for us in that regard. It is completely up and framed. We are actually able to walk through OUR house. It will be getting windows and the roof shingled in the next week or two. We are so happy it will all be enclosed before the first snow. I say this and we will have a freak snow storm this week!

My husband is a wonderful man. I sometimes wonder how I ended up so lucky, what did I do to deserve someone this good? He always corrects me when I say "if we have kids" he gets a little upset and says "no, When we have kids". I absolutely love that he has that much faith that we will have children. He is such a wonderful partner in this thing we call life. Being temporarily unemployed I get pretty down and he is my biggest cheerleader and encourages me to not just settle on a job just for the sake of having one. He wants me to get the one that is right for me.

My doggies Mocha and Jezzebelle. They are just the light of my life. I know most people say that about their kids, LOL! They are so funny and expressive, they each truly have their own personalities that's for sure. They totally love us unconditionally and we could not imagine our lives without them. They are pit bulls and are so misunderstood and that is sad. I believe though that not everyone is equipped to have one and that is why we end up with such horrible situations involving them. When it comes to such a powerful animal there truly needs to be a special class and license given so that not just any Joe Schmo can have one. Then maybe the whole "status symbol" stigma would go away. I also think alot of people in general are just irresposible when it comes to their animals and it irritates me. Your dog is NOT your babysitter, you do not leave a child alone with an animal!!! I know this is a little rant for another time, actually I go through it every time anyone asks what kind of dogs we have. I love my Mochalicous (sp?) and Jezzy!!

My family. We have so many quirks as a family, but damnit we love each other! And I have to categorize my friends in this equation, because they are my Chosen family. I am so fortunate to know some amazing people. When the chips are down they all rally for support. My mom is so selfless and sometimes I really forgot about that until the last few years. She is helping my youngest brother Blaine raise his kids. Now in her early 50's she should be finally living her life her way and she is back to raising kids. But you know she would do it for any of us if she knew we were not able to do it on our own. In a lot of ways my brother takes advantage but my mom puts up with it to make sure the kids have a good loving home, clothes on their backs and food on the table. My brothers xwife is a white trash mess who did not take care of her kids. So they are now in an enviornment where they are able to grow and thrive, and for that I am thankful.
I just reconnected with my dad and he has a new wife who is a really nice lady. I really like my dad alot as a person. I am sad it took such a long time to put the hurt aside and just be a family. My brother Bill and I did not talk to him for 12 years. There were alot of misunderstandings on both sides and we all just let it go. I think it takes so much less energy to forgive than to hang on to negative things. I really missed having my dad in my life, he missed my wedding, and I know Bill missed him too with the births of his children. Well no dwelling...just be thankful for now!

We have lost a few people over the last 4 years and miss them terribly. Just when you think you can live with it, something reminds you of them, or something pops up that you would just love to tell them. Such is life I suppose.

Oh and an update on the new baby. She was born on Thursday at 3:30 pm and her name is Sophia. This is all the information I have. It was passed between men so I think the only reason I actually have the name is because I knew about it beforehand! As women exchanging info we get much more descriptive. I wanted to know if she had any hair but I knew my husband wouldn't know. LOL

Wow this really got to be quite long. I just really need to remember how good life is sometimes. Now tomorrow I could go a totally different direction, but for today, this is how I feel.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

A new baby will be arriving...

sometime today anyway. Our friends who suffered IF for 4yrs, are having their baby today. I am sooooo happy for them. But, and yes there always seems to be a BUT these days, I am a little sad. Now I am going to have to hold this baby, I don't hold babies these days. I told them when they found out they were pg I would make an exception for theirs. I think I was just so happy for them I did not realize what I was saying. Maybe they forgot I said that?

So I have a job interview tomorrow, very excited. I also have one on Monday, also very excited. It sucks being at home. I am going insane, entirely too much time to think. I have been getting ornaments done though. I think I am doing about 35 or so this year.

I got ropped into cooking Thanksgiving this year. I just want Rick to be able to hang out at home and relax a little bit. It is definately better than trying to make the rounds, we have that to look forward to for Christmas. Next year will be so much nicer, we will be in the new house and everyone can just come there. When we get both of our families together it is pretty fun. There has not been much tradition but we have been attempting to create them over the last few years.

Well for now that's about it, I will add more about the baby when I find out!