Saturday, September 22, 2007

Another Failed Cycle....

but honestly that's not a surprise. I just am not sure how much more I can handle. I have really been down on the whole process the last few days. I need to call the dr. on Mon to induce a period but I may wait. To be honest I don't want the rollercoaster ride again. I truly think taking a break made it worse. Why am I not rip roarin ready to go again? I really would not wish this on my worst enemy, no one should have to deal with the pain of infertility. Forget actually trying to plan for anything, take away the fact you have certain things that have to be done on certain days there is no money left. I have to apologize right away for the fact that my thoughts are all over the place and I can't concentrate on anything. Maybe it's just time to say "goodnight" and pick this up when I can make more sense!

1 comment:

We have Angel Wings said...

Tomorrow's a new day sweetie...just remember you can call me any time.

I know what you're going through and even though you're sick of talking about it and sick of crying about it...I'm not sick of being there for you.
